Live Painting for Streat

October 19th, 2010|

STREAT a social enterprise providing homeless youth with a supported pathway to long-term careers in the hospitality industry. Invited me to live paint for one of their private function. The piece painted on a piece [...]

at Napier & Johnston Street

October 19th, 2010|

Makatron invited me to paint a wall today. I call him, Granpa Turtle island. Special thanks to Doil.  Enjoy the flicks.      

Black & White vs Colour

October 15th, 2010|

  Black & White vs Colour - group show 16 of the country’s finest team up to thrash out the age old question of black & white or colour! Bec Winnel, Sarah Beetson, Drew Funk, [...]

Metro Gallery – Live Painting

October 12th, 2010|

Last saturday i was invited to paint live for Metro gallery in conjunction of the “On the Wall” exhibition. It was a great day. Thanks to all who came down. Check Metro’s Blog for more [...]

Studio Updates

October 12th, 2010|

Michael Peck – Dickerson Gallery – Sydney

October 5th, 2010|

Fellow Artist & friend from the Blender Studio is having a solo show in Sydney,Do check it out if you're around Sydney on the 20th of October, his work is amazing.

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