Drewfunk – Open Studio
Open Studio! I’m opening my studio to everyone on this Saturday 15th March, from 12-4pm. 110 Fraklin St. (enter thru the laneway) Some of new and old unseen work will be available, also some prints, books and one off drawings.
Open Studio! I’m opening my studio to everyone on this Saturday 15th March, from 12-4pm. 110 Fraklin St. (enter thru the laneway) Some of new and old unseen work will be available, also some prints, books and one off drawings. After party starts from 5 – 10pm. (BYO Drinks) I’ve been in Melbourne since early 2006, Join the blender studios in early 2007 and has been an awesome adventure ever since. Its time for a change and new adventures. Moving to Sydney on the 30th of March. Very excited and inspired about it. Come by for a catchup if you are in Melbourne. DJ’s and BBQ will be organized too. Come and support, buy some art and help me lighten the load to Sydney. Very excited to see you all.
Back for Chinese New Year 2014
Just got back from a quick but inspiring trip to Singapore & my hometown Klang in Malaysia. Catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Would like to thank all the wonderful peeps in sg and my for showing me around again after 6 years of not going back properly. I’m also proud to announce that I’m a member of the infamous RSCLS crew of Singapore. Big ups and much love, will definitely keep in touch and go back more often from now on. I can totally say, i Miss using Malaysian & Singapore Paint PYLOX is the Shiznit!! Here’s a few photos taken with my shitty iphone & digital camera. Enjoy. Thanks for the visit 🙂
Drewfunk – Booklaunch 2013 – No Vacancy Gallery
My apologies for not updating the Blog for so long, 2013 has been such a hectic year. Here are some pictures from the past booklaunch i had at No Vacancy Gallery. Special Thanks to Chewy & crew for a great evening that day. Big Thanks to all that came down as well for that day. For the ones that are still interested in purchasing my self publish book, feel free to check out the website shop or click on the image below.
Instragram @drewfunk
Follow me on Instragram. 2013 was a year of experimenting & soul searching. Thank you all for the support.
Drewfunk & Otis – Backwoods Gallery – 2013
Another overdue update from 2013, this ones from a Duo show i did in Backwoods Gallery with Otis Chamberlain, a very talented New Zealand born artist.
Here’s some pictures stolen from a few blogs, Would like to thank everyone that came for the opening. Special thanks to Alex Mitchell & Sean of Backwoods for everything.
The eight kois of Shakahari
If you guys live in Melbourne, and haven’t try Shakahari Vegetarian, I will advice you to check out the New venue that’s currently open at South Melbourne.
It was a real spiritual experience i had painting this feature. Not to mention experiencing new & delicious soulful food. Much thanks and love for John, Kim-Un, Kim-Poay & The Shakahari Team for an awesome time collaborating & Jiving. Below are some photos taken from my Iphone.