Black & White vs Colour


Black & White vs Colour – group show 16 of the country’s finest team up to thrash out the age old question of black & white or colour! Bec Winnel, Sarah Beetson, Drew Funk, Robert Jenkins, I & The Others, Jack Douglas, Steve Leadbeater, Caitlin Rigby, Ed Wakeham, Eleanor Yap, Kubota Fumikazu, Lwnski, Yiyi Wang, ERo, Madelynn Holmes, Belinda Suzette & Mark Alsweiler come together to have a visual battle on the subject of black & white vs colour. With a common background of design and illustration, the challengers use a wide variety of materials and techniques including painting, sculpture, wheat paste and print to wrangle out a champion of visual superiority! Off the Kerb Gallery & Studios 66B Johnston Street Collingwood 3066