Collaboration with artist George (Brisbane) / Melbourne Ink Premiere (drew X meggs) Live Painting / Chapel Street Bar Update


Below is a picture taken a while ago of the piece that i did in my current studio.  I called it The Tree Guardian. Also, Beastman of Sydney sent me some pictures that he compiled on his website which i would like to share with you all. “click here”. studiowall1.jpg Two interesting events that i’m involved in, do drop over for some art and refreshing beverages


Cheers to Alex, KR, Beastman, Zoom, Drew, Ethics, Bridge and the extended crew. (All pics volunteered or stolen) hobo-1011 hobo-114-1024x680 hobo-103 _p4o0027 rooftop1 rooftop3

 Farewell St. Jeromes, Thanks for the hangovers! (collaboration piece with Meggs & Monkey) Tribute to “No Face” of spirited away.

Acrylic & Spray-paint on stretched canvas. Titled “Father Nature”. A sneak preview of the piece I’ve done  for the “New Eyes Open” show soon to shown in Sydney.